
  • + Farm features. 
    • + RMB to till grass to dirt. Again to water. 
    • + RMB to plant a seed in dirt. The helipod must be in follow mode (press Shift). 
  • ~ Bug fixes. 

I doubt anyone will read this so I'll just dump some stuff from my mind. Development will progress much slower. I've just gotten a new job. Tbh, I really struggled with it. Not with the work itself, but with my mental health. The strangle of time that I experience without a job has tightened it's grip on me. Not to mention that I've been going through some rough patches. There's uni too. The end of semester nears. Along with it comes deadly assignments and exams. I don't have much time for game development nowadays. I feel like I have no time for myself. I've ceased to exist. I drone along with someones shit programming. My own programming. I knew I wasn't cut out for development. 

In a way, this is a good thing. The life that I led without this job, and without this new existance, was pretty bad. Rather, my mental state was pretty bad. Dark thoughts swayed in me. Like an ocean at midnight. Now, I experience this less, replaced with nothing at all. It's just numb. I see flashes of people. I find myself waking up in different scenarios. But at least I'm not spiralling like I used to.

I lied. I lie. My mental state was pretty bad a few days ago. Worse than it's ever been. But it got better right after. Like much better. I do enjoy the work. And the people that I work with. I have volleyball. And friends. I'm good. 


0.7.zip Play in browser
29 days ago

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